Contact me

Hi: I’m Bob “BobboSphere” Simpson. I’m a retired history teacher and former website production guy. I currently live in Oak Park IL which borders on Chicago’s West Side. I was born in DC, spent my grade school years in Glenmont MD until my parents moved to the Hillandale area of Silver Spring. I was active in the University of Maryland Students for a Democratic Society chapter and later went to grad school at Catholic University of America where I got an M.A. in Urban Education. I taught in the DC public schools for 2 years until my political activities got me in trouble and later worked as a delivery truck driver and warehouse employee.

In 1974 I went to Cuba with the Venceramos Brigade. I met Estelle Carol there. We hit it off and I moved to Chicago to be with her in 1975. I restarted my teaching career with an MA in history from Northeastern Illinois University and worked in the City Colleges, CPS and in Catholic high schools. After some health issues cropped up, I worked at home for a decade as a web site production guy.

My partner Estelle and I produced hundreds of labor cartoons for the union movement under the pen name Carol Simpson which you may see HERE. They are still available online and we plan to issue new ones from time to time as well as collect the best of them into a book.

In recent years I was part of Occupy Chicago, a member of the Chicago Teachers Solidarity Campaign, an active supporter of Fight for $15 and am currently a member of Action Now. I’ve been a socialist since childhood, an act of faith really, because nowhere does socialism exist today. I’m not even sure a democracy based on sustainable economics and social cooperation is even possible. If it isn’t, then we are in deep shit because we live on a finite planet and capitalism requires unlimited growth. We’re up against the climate change clock and the odds are against us.

But so what? If we can defy the odds and turn toward some form of eco-socialism, future generations will look back and say,” This is when it changed. This is when humanity came to its senses.”


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